纵横软件发展有限公司 - 已購買縱橫零售系統
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Hainan World Ltd (海南世界有限公司)
Hair Oasis
Hang Cheong Loong (恆昌隆)
Hanison Construction Company Limited (興勝建築有限公司)
Harbour Plaza Resort City Hong Kong (嘉湖海逸酒店)
Haven of Hope Sau Mau Ping Day Activity (靈實秀茂坪日間活動中心暨宿舍)
Healing Plants Ltd (草本堂有限公司)
Health Care & Company (保利安公司)
Health Factor Foods Company Limited (健康元素食品公司)
HealthQuest Pharmacy (健樂葯房)
Hermes Trading Company (亨業貿易公司)
High Strength Limited (泰倡有限公司)
HILPOP Knitters (Hong Kong) Limited
Hinrich International Ltd (顯發國際有限公司)
HK Doggie House (香港狗隻美容屋)
HK Poly UPA (香港理工大學研究生會)
Ho Wun Cars Co., Ltd. (好運車行有限公司)
Holly Electrical Co., Ltd (合利電器行)
Home Depot o/b Asia Top Engineering Ltd
Hong Kong Baseball Association (香港棒球總會)
Hong Kong Creative Centre
Hong Kong Fai Wong Fashion Factory (香港輝煌時裝廠)
Hong Kong Food & Beverage Holding Ltd (香港飲食集團有公司)
Hong Kong Institute of Education (香港教育學院)
Hong Kong Rabbit Society Ltd (香港兔友協會)
Host Computer Co Ltd (中原電腦有限公司)
House of the Rising Star
HTC Consulting Inc.
Hu Qing Yu Tang Pharmaceutical (HK) Ltd (胡慶餘堂(香港)國藥號有限公司)
Hula Hupp